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Macaroni Noodle Straws / Pasta Straws - Ø 6 mm - 22.5 cm long

Original price €0,99
Original price
Current price €0,99
175.0 g | €5,66 / kg
inkl. MwSt. (Brutto)
  • Pasta / Nudel Trinkhalme
  • Abmessung: Ø 6 mm - 22,5 cm lang
  • Farbe: natur
  • nachhaltig
  • essbar
  • plastikfrei
Quantity advantages 🔽 Select here: 30 Pasta-Halme
0.033 € Stk.
0.025 € Stk.
(24% savings)
0.021 € Stk.
(37% savings)
0.017 € Stk.
(50% savings)
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in stock, ready to be shipped
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SKU 6.004.787

Macaroni Noodle Straws / Pasta Straws - Ø 6 mm - 22.5 cm long

Our sustainable pasta straws are the ideal alternative to plastic straws.

The macaroni straws are made in certified production facilities in Germany, according to the highest production standards and with selected raw materials from Germany. No plastic is used in the packaging either.

The edible drinking straws can be used in a variety of ways, whether for hot or cold drinks. They are stable at room temperature for 45 minutes.

And the best thing about it: With your edible noodle straws you avoid unnecessary plastic waste and make your own personal contribution to protecting our environment!

Pasta noodle straws / drinking straws based on durum wheat semolina are enjoying increasing popularity. Our pasta straws are made in Germany.

Thanks to your support, we have already been able to replace over 100 million plastic straws!


  • Durum wheat semolina

May contain traces of egg

allergens: gluten; traces of egg

Was ist die Wisefood Garantie?

Was ist die Wisefood Garantie?

Qualität, Nachhaltigkeit und Preis stehen bei uns an oberster Stelle. Wir sind erst glücklich, wenn unsere Kunden zufrieden sind. Viele unsere Kunden sind uns seit Jahren treu und dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. Falls doch mal was bei deiner Bestellung schiefgeht, kannst du dein Produkt kostenlos retournieren.

Über den Chat sind wir übrigens 24/7 für unsere Kunden erreichbar - für Fragen zu Bestellungen und Produkten.

~ Patricia
Gründerin von Wisefood

Schneller Versand & Bestpreisgarantie

Schneller Versand & Bestpreisgarantie

Unsere Kunden legen großen Wert auf Geschwindigkeit und attraktive Preise. Daher gibt es bei uns kurze Lieferketten, um keine unnötigen Kosten zu produzieren. Die meisten unserer Produkte beziehen wir direkt aus der Produktion ohne Zwischenhändler.

Solltest du unsere Produkte irgendwo günstiger finden, so schreib uns einfach eine Nachricht.

Unser Lagekapazitäten umfassen über 10.000 Palettenstellplätze im Großraum München. Dein Paket verlässt bei Bestellungen vor 14 Uhr noch am gleichen Tag unser Lager. Die Lieferung erreicht dich oft schon 1 Tag später.

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Nachhaltig verpackt

Unsere Produkte versenden wir über DHL "GoGreen" klimaneutral. Für unser Büro und Zentrallager in Garching bei München verwenden wir 100% Ökostrom aus erneuerbaren Energien. Zusätzlich kompensieren wir für zahlreiche Produkte den Co2 Ausstoß mit unserem Partner ClimatePartner und forsten unter anderem Wälder in Deutschland auf.

Unsere Kartons sind gut gepolstert durch unser intern hergestelltes Verpackungspolster. Dieses stellen wir klimaneutral aus überschüssen Kartonagen her und vermeiden dadurch Altpapier. Viele Tonnen Müll konnten wir so bereits vermeiden.

Pasta with a difference - when pasta becomes the drinking straw of the future

Why will plastic drinking straws soon be history?

When it comes to drinking straws, also known as drinking straws , goes, then many people first think of its multicolored representatives made of plastic. Of course, they are very effective when it comes to enhancing the appearance of a drink, but with their main component, plastic, they also have a number of disadvantages. The production of plastic is based on largely environmentally harmful processes that produce a lot of CO2 and emit it into the atmosphere. The raw materials that make up plastic are not renewable or renewable and there is no really effective alternative that can be used as a raw material for plastic. The production of plastic straws alone leaves a very impressive ecological footprint. When using plastic drinking straws, you soon become aware of another disadvantage: many of the drinks change their taste when drinking through the plastic drinking straws. This effect also occurs with many other drinking straw variants, for example those made of metal, paper or wood. An altered flavored drink is not necessarily what one desires. They often show additional production damage or they break quickly. Their sharp edges cut into the sensitive oral mucosa, which further spoils the enjoyment of the drink. The last and almost the most important disadvantage is obvious. The plastic drinking straws are so-called disposable items. After the first and only use, they are commonly thrown in the trash. Once they are garbage, they pollute the environment and animals with their pollutants for many years. The environmental impact of single-use plastic items has now also reached the EU. For this reason, it decided in 2018 that the production of single-use plastic items would be banned from July 2021. For this reason, people are looking everywhere for alternatives to cups, plates, cutlery and also straws. We at Wisefood have been thinking about how we can actively shape our future in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way for some time before the EU. So in 2016, as part of a student project that has now become quite successful as a start-up company, the idea for an edible drinking straw variant that makes consumers and the environment equally happy.
Everyone loves pasta - that's why we're now using it as a straw
If you look at a macaroni noodle, it's not difficult to see a certain resemblance between it and a conventional plastic drinking straw. So it is obvious that macaroni quickly comes to mind as an answer to the question of a sustainable straw. This is mainly due to their ingredients. A macaroni consists mainly of durum wheat semolina. It is easy to grow and regrows easily, so it is a regenerative resource. Such raw materials, which are used for our macaroni drinking straws, are grown in strictly controlled companies that meet our high quality standards. What also makes durum wheat semolina so important as a raw material for straws: it is completely biodegradable. So even if you later don't want to cook a dish with the pasta straws or nibble on them raw, they won't pollute the environment with their pollutants for years to come. Their natural components simply go back into nature, where they came from.
Pasta makes you happy - especially as straws
Pasta straws from Wisefood have a lot of advantages.We want to get an overview of all their quality features here:
1 Macaroni drinking straws are sustainable
Probably the most important property of our macaroni straws is that they are particularly sustainable, starting with the cultivation of the raw materials until use. The cultivation takes place under ecologically compatible cultivation and is regularly checked by us, as well as the production facilities of the macaroni. They work under the highest quality standards. All institutions involved in the production of our drinking straws are "IFS" certified. "IFS" stands for "International Featured Standard". This means that these production facilities and their internal processes are measured and controlled according to international standards, thus delivering a safe product that is at the same time perfectly tailored to our product requirements. The macaroni drinking straws are made exclusively in Germany in order to be able to optimally maintain the high standard of our macaroni and at the same time to keep the transport routes as short as possible. In this way, we minimize CO2 emissions even before the sale. The main component of the macaroni stalks is durum wheat semolina. This is a completely natural, plant-based product that is both renewable and fully biodegradable. For this reason, no waste is produced with the straws made from pasta dough. The natural product is completely absorbed by nature by being decomposed and processed by microorganisms. This clearly distinguishes it from the plastic drinking straws. The drinking straw variant made from pasta dough thus becomes an environmentally conscious, sustainable alternative.
2. Macaroni drinking straws are edible
The pasta straws can be used in many ways and complement any drink with their multiple uses. Once you've slurped up your drink, you can enjoy the macaroni as a crunchy final snack. Alternatively, you can of course also use them to make your favorite pasta dish. The culinary possibilities are open to everyone who chooses the pasta dough straws.
3. Macaroni drinking straws are suitable for everyone
Macaroni drinking straws are available in different lengths and with different diameters. They are available in lengths of 22.5-25cm and diameters of 6-8mm, but a diameter of 10mm would also be possible. They are suitable for both hot drinks and cold drinks of any kind. This makes them a product that suits everyone, be it the cocktail bar, the café or even a hotel business. Thanks to their crispy-fresh noodle consistency, the macaroni straws are pleasant in the mouth, are not sharp-edged and neither cool down hot drinks nor derive the freshness from cool drinks. They are just as functional as plastic, metal or paper straws and look just as good in any drink. Another bonus is that the straws don't need to be laboriously cleaned. Either they serve as a small snack immediately after use or they can simply be disposed of in the organic waste.
4. Macaroni drinking straws make drinks tastier
This property is not a placebo effect, but can be easily explained. While plastic, wooden or paper straws often adversely affect the palatability of the drink due to their own taste, the ingredients of the straws made of pasta dough act more as a flavor enhancer. As a result, you can not only support the environment with the straws, but you may also get to know completely new flavors of well-known drinks.
5. Macaroni straws are vegan
We avoid animal products in the manufacture of our products, including the macaroni straws.In this way we act for animal welfare, against factory farming and at the same time avoid additional CO2 emissions
6. Macaroni drinking straws are stable
In contrast to variants made from other raw materials, such as paper, the macaroni drinking straw is surprisingly stable when in use. In cold drinks, the straws stay crisp for up to 120 minutes before slowly softening. They also retain their stability in hot drinks for up to 60 minutes. This makes it possible to relax and enjoy any type of drink.
7. Macaroni drinking straws have a long shelf life
The shelf life of the pasta drinking straws is at least two years if they are stored in a dry and cool place. With this property, they enable wholesalers, restaurateurs and hoteliers in particular to purchase larger quantities without having to worry about having to discard part of them because they were not used up quickly enough. The long period of time before the best-before date makes it possible to make long-term calculations and thus precisely calculate the average consumption of the macaroni drinking straws before we present tailor-made offers for the respective companies.
8.Macaroni drinking straws stand for fairness
Our macaroni drinking straws stand for cultivation and production under fair conditions. All employees receive reasonable wages and work under friendly conditions. The fairness of the innovative pasta drinking straws also extends beyond its production. Interested branches and catering establishments who are interested in trying out or buying the pasta drinking straws will receive a fair offer from us that is individually tailored to their needs. The macaroni drinking straw is now available from many different wholesalers, such as ALDI, REWE, EDEKA, FAMILIA and many more.
With our production of macaroni drinking straws, we are pursuing our mission to offer a long-term environmentally conscious product. From cultivation through production to final consumption, environmental protection runs through the production process. Our company stands for innovation, sustainability and stability. With this in mind, we are working on articles that prevent the waste of resources in the long term and reduce waste production. At the same time, we want to benefit from what nature offers us in order to be able to protect and conserve it in the long term. We have been working on this implementation since 2016. Our products, in particular the edible and biodegradable pasta drinking straws, have meanwhile won us a number of awards due to their innovative concepts. We are particularly proud of the "EIT Food Awards". "EIT Food" is currently Europe's leading initiative for sustainable and healthy food. It works very closely with the EU, among others. The "EIT Food Award" is currently one of the most important prizes for start-up companies that stand for innovative and sustainable products. The awards also include prizes from "Germany - Land of Ideas" or the "Transgourmet Newcomer Award". We have also been nominated as the "Top 3 Food Startup in Europe" with an award from Food Tech.
In the meantime, we have also been able to gain a certain level of awareness through television with our passion for sustainability and innovation. Our products have already been the subject of "Die Höhle der Löwen", "Galileo", the RTL "Nachtjournal", ARD and also SAT1.
Currently, the demand for our products as an alternative to disposable plastic items is increasing drastically. Consumer sensitivity and environmental awareness are growing.In addition, the ban on disposable plastic items decided by the EU is approaching. With the pasta drinking straws, we offer an alternative whose properties are in no way inferior to those of the plastic variant. Due to its long shelf life, long-lasting stability, variability and practical use and disposal, it is attractive to everyone, from the individual to the restaurateur to the hotelier. With our up-to-date and at the same time consumer-oriented guide, we are currently well on the way to becoming one of the leading companies for sustainable plastic alternatives. We are happy to cooperate with anyone interested, from wholesalers to small grocery stores to restaurants, and try to construct individually tailored offers to satisfy everyone. We are currently pursuing the goal of replacing 1 billion plastic straws with their sustainable and environmentally conscious alternative by 2022. With our macaroni drinking straws we can do something good for the environment and the palate together.
